Friday, December 30, 2011

Fascinating Fabric Find

One of the first things that I knew would be a real challenge in this journey was clothing.  When I was in college we had a homework assignment about world economies.  The task was simple and if you have never done it yourself, its interesting. Go home, look in your closet and write down as many different countries as you can find on the labels in your clothes.  I remember as a young man being amazed that nearly nothing I owned was made in this country.  I think the only thing I had back then that was actually made in the USA was some underwear.

It was with this knowledge that I had to agree when my wife said, you won't be able to buy any clothes for the next twelve months.  To which I replied that she and I may need to learn how to use that sewing machine a bit better so we can "make our own in America."  She smiled and calmly let me know that the fabric at the fabric stores probably wasn't made in this country either.  Really........

We just happened to be at a large fabric store today and I had to test her theory.  As I wandered the isles I was not shocked to find that she was right.  China, China, China, Korea, Taiwan, India, Pakistan, China, China...... and then, right there at the end of the isle, a tiny section  that actually said Made in the I walked away, I couldn't help but sing a little Brad Paisley....... Camouflage, Camouflage, designed by Mother Nature and by God......... and, the only fabric I could find in the whole store made in America.

So, when you see that guy proudly wearing his hunting pants in public.... at least he is supporting what appears to be one of the only remaining sources of American fabric.

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